A year older at Volets

Volets Resort, Dasmariñas, Cavite.

Soooo… I got a year older, is this something to be happy about? or something to be sad? I’m getting closer to that “life begins at 40” phrase… lol. My age is past the calendar so dont ask, as I’m not gonna say it here.. :P.

adults – P 180.00 / kids – P 120.00

P 300.00 – 2,500.00

Parking – P 20.00

For the celebration, we held it at Volets Resort in Dasmariñas, Cavite. It was planned 2 weeks before the day. My kids had been wanting to go swimming for a long time, but since we were on a tight budget, I had held it off till there is something to celebrate.

The wave pool

So to Volets we went, we chose the place because there they have many pools, and giant slides, kiddie slides and a lot more, plus the pool with waves. That was what the kids wanted the most, the wave pool. Unfortunately when we arrived there there was a notice at the payment section that the wave pool is shut off, and will be open on summer =(.

The 2 adult pools, with 2 giant slides

Anyway, even without the wave thingy, knowing my kids who loves swimming (sometimes I think were born part fishes.. :P), I know they will be having fun and they did. My youngest kichiro, enjoyed it the most.

My little Kro

There were two adult pools and 4 pools for kids, plus anopther pool with a gate, I think its for private function for those that want to rent if and use it for themselves only.

This one here on the left is a kiddie pool with a bucket fountain.

The boys enjoyed this pool.. and me too, but the water is cold here compard to the other pools on the other side. we would stay under that bucket and wait for it to get full, then the wate comes splashing down on us, zdi was yelling all the time.

This pool has slides, a swing and a seesaw, cool huh?

I would’ve enjoyed staying here, but the water is too cold for me, that bucket fountain was good.


The kiddie pools, the one inside the slide is zdi, and the pic above him is chachaw, thialyn at the shower

Two nieces came along with us, and the only visitor and well wisher I had was an online friend… lol… together with her son.

my daughter YLA and her 2 cousins Kina and Thialyn, my online buss. partner, my son kichiro
Posing time and monkeying around…

If you are planning to visit this place, it is very easy to find, along Aguinaldo highway, just in front of Waltermart Dasma. You dont even need to bring foods, as there is a grocery in front of it – Waltermart, lots of fastfoods too (Chowking, Pizzahut, Jollibee, Greenwhich, Red Ribbon, Dunkin Donuts, McDo, and carinderias).

I love fountains that’s why they are featured here also 😛

I took a lot of pictures of the place, and some random shots. Many shots are not included here, if I did this post would become so long.

I hope you enjoyed them as I enjoyed taking them all. Till next time.


*j – december 7, 2009

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